Neck Lift for a Younger, Sleeker Jawline and Neck

The team at the Plastic Surgery Group of New Jersey has frequently observed how the upper and lower face age at different paces. Sometimes, the lower face, including the jawline, chin and neck, can start to sag and wrinkle more quickly than the eyes and forehead. To address this disparity in the aging process, our plastic surgeons offer neck lift surgery, which can be performed independently of other facial rejuvenation procedures, to counteract the laxity and sagging around the jawline and neck. Read on to learn more about what neck lift can accomplish.

Eliminate Excess Neck Skin

Your neck lift surgeon will discuss the surgical plan and procedural steps ahead of time. Typically, all neck lift surgical plans involve eliminating excess neck skin that has lost elasticity; this helps to create a smoother profile. The remaining neck skin is repositioned more tightly over the underlying structures and secured into place with sutures.

Repair or Remove Musculature

By repairing or removing certain musculature from the neck, the surgeon can improve the appearance of neck bands that contribute to irregular contours. The platysma muscle at the front of the neck, underneath the skin, is usually tightened and sewn together (imagine shoelaces being cinched) to achieve the desired neck contour.

Remove Excess Fat Deposits

Unwanted fat can also be removed from the neck and underneath the chin for a leaner and more elegant neck contour. This helps resolve the appearance of a “double chin” caused by fat deposits. Liposuction techniques are used to gently dislodge the fat before it is suctioned from the body. In some cases, fat can be redistributed from the jowls or neck to achieve a more pleasing contour.

More about the Neck Lift Procedure

Neck lift is typically performed on an outpatient basis; if it is combined with a more extensive procedure, an overnight hospital stay may be recommended. General anesthesia is used for patient comfort and safety.

The incisions for neck lift are traditionally made in the hairline around the sideburn area, extending down and around the ear and stopping in the hair. Alternatively, the plastic surgeon may choose to use incisions around the ear only, or to create a separate and additional incision underneath the chin. This depends on the specific procedure and what it is intended to accomplish.

Learn More about Neck Lift

To learn more about neck lift surgery and how it can address age-related changes to the jawline and neck, please call (973) 233-1933 or email the Plastic Surgery Group of New Jersey today.

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